PX Dashboard User Guide

This is the PollinationX Dashboard manual page. Follow the steps for easier onboarding and access to all needed information.

Tip: PX Dashboard is used to mint PX sNFTs selection (e.g. FREE100MB, 5GB, 10GB, 20GB, 100GB), while PX sNFT owners can check storage state.

How to use PX Dashboard with supported TestNets and MainNets?

Step 1: Install or login to Wallet Connect supported wallet (e.g. MetaMask);

Step 2: Connect the wallet to the chosen blockchain network;

Tip: Check the list of supported TestNets and MainNets.

Step 3: Provide sufficient wallet balance (e.g. Immu, Matic, ETH...);

Step 4: Login to the app.pollinationx.io dApp and confirm the privacy policy and software terms;

Step 5: Connect your wallet via Wallet Connect;

Step 6: Mint desired storage or check PX sNFT storage state. There are two options to mint PX sNFT;

(1) Mint new PX sNFT (2) Upgrade existing PX sNFT

Accounts: Each account represents available PX sNFT. Choose between available accounts to check the storage state.

Last updated